Notification of Public Display for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report

Department of Environment (DOE) Malaysia is reviewing an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the

Projek Penanaman Kelapa Sawit, Kelapa dan Buah-Buahan Seluas 2228.676 Hektar Di PT 100140, PT 100141, PT 100142, PT 100143 Dan PT 100144 Di Mukim Pakoh, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu.

The public are welcome to submit written comments on the EIA Report during the public display time.

This EIA report will be display from 13 July 2024 to 12 August 2024 and public comment until 27 August 2023.

This EIA Report also being display in the selected places or can be refer as below:

More information;
EIA Secretariat, Evaluation Division
Department of Environment Malaysia
Tel: 03-88712000
Fax: 03-8891045