Environmental Partner Program
The Rakan Alam Sekitar (RAS) Program was launched on 4 June 2009 by YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin Bin Mohd Yassin, Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia. The Environmental Partner Program (RAS) is an initiative of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE) in developing awareness and mobilizing community members in environmental conservation and preservation activities.
Environmental Partners involves members of the community in a ` hands-on ‘ manner that is` eyes and ears’ to assist Government agencies that are responsible in combating activities that damage or pollute the environment.
The objectives of the Environmental Partner Program are as follows:-
- Provide environmental awareness at every level of society
- Cultivate a sense of responsibility in the community to act and participate in caring for a shared environment
- Provide the right channel for the community to make complaints or views on the environment to the relevant government agencies
Environmental Partner Activities
Activities through the Environmental Partner Program are also implemented through the Department of Environment’s Environmental Education and Awareness Program as follows:-
- Environmentally Friendly Trail Tour Program (JJMRAS)
- `Nature Hero Project ‘Program
- Earth Day Celebration Program (In conjunction with Earth Day on April 22 each year)
- World Environment Day Celebration Program (In conjunction with World Environment Day on June 5 each year)
- National Environment Day Celebration Program (In conjunction with National Environment Day which falls on October 21 each year)
- Environmental Award Sustainable Schools Program (SLAAS)
- Langkawi Awards Program
- Environmental Debate Program Between Institutions of Higher Learning
- Sustainable Pre-School Program
- Promotion and Environmental Awareness Program to the Public and Industry (Seminars, Talks, etc.)
- Environmental Exhibition
- Environmental Awareness Program (Tree planting, nature conservation, etc.)
- Environmental Partner Volunteers in Organizing Environmental Education and Awareness Programs
Pledge of Environmental Partners
That We, Members of the Environmental Partnership
Make a Pledge Here
To Carry Out
These Volunteer Duties
With All Our Hearts
Towards This We Will:-
To Be The Eyes And Ears
To Government Agencies Responsible
In Combating Activities That Harm
Or Pollute The Environment
We Will Also Be The Main Mover
To The
Environmental Awareness Programs And Campaigns
In Our Area To Provide Environmental Awareness
To All Levels Of Society,
To Act And Participate In
Caring For The Environment
That We Share Together
May God Bless This Effort
Environmental Partner Membership Participation
The target group of Rakan Alam Sekitar (RAS) membership participation is open to all Malaysians regardless of age including school students, students of institutions of higher learning, public / private sector employees, the general public and others.
RAS membership registration can be made through the Membership Registration Form which can be obtained from the Secretariat of the Environmental Partner, the Headquarters Department of Environment and the State Department of Environment.
RAS membership registration can also be done online through the Environmental Partner Portal at the link ( Click here ). Registration of Environmental Partner membership participation is processed by the Environmental Partner Secretariat based on the complete information required.
Registration of RAS membership through organizations such as schools, institutions of higher learning, companies, associations, clubs and others can be made by contacting the Secretariat of the Environmental Partners, the Department of Environment Headquarters or the State Department of Environment.
Rationale of the Environmental Partner Logo
- The earth symbolizes the environment we love
- The green human animation symbolizes a community that supports environmental preservation and conservation efforts
- The blue human animation symbolizes the community that leads the efforts to preserve and conserve the environment
- The leaves symbolize the ecosystem we protect
- Moto Friends of the Environment (RAS) is ” We Want Sustainable Lifestyle ” / ” We Want A Sustainable Lifestyle “
Rationale Motto of Environmental Partners
The motto of Friends of the Environment which is “We Want a Sustainable Lifestyle” carries the following meaning:-
- Society instills a sense of responsibility in oneself to adopt a sustainable lifestyle
- As a commitment from within each individual to care for the environment
- Transformation starts from the individual to ensure a prosperous environment
- Lifestyle influences the impact and impact on the environment
- Self -will forms a personality that is pure towards the environment
Environmental Friend Logo and Montage Video
Watch the Video Montage of the Friends of the Environment Logo at the following Link:- http://bit.do/YouTubeLogoRakanAlamSekitar
Environmental Partners on Social Media
Follow Friends of the Environment on Social Media via Facebook Friends of the Environment ( https://www.facebook.com/rakanalamsekitar/?ref=settings ) and Instagram Friends of the Environment ( https://www.instagram.com/rakanalamsekitar/?hl = en )
For more information, you can visit the Environmental Partner Website at https://ras.doe.gov.my