Sustainable Schools Environmental Award Session 2020/2021
Please be informed that the participation for the Sustainable Schools SLAAS Environmental Award Session 2020/2021 competition has now opened. Participation is open to all schools of the Ministry of Education Malaysia. The closing date is 31 December 2021.
(i) Guidelines On The Use Of Oil Spill Dispersant In Malaysia, 2016 (ii) List of Approved Oil Spill Dispersant (May 2019) (iii) Marine Pollution Control In Malaysia (iv) Latest List of Dispersants Approved by the Department of Environment Malaysia for Use in Regional Waters and Exclusive Economic Zones of Malaysia
In line with the Government’s intention in sustaining the country’s development, the Department of Environment (DOE) has examined the room for improvement to streamline the environmental impact assessment procedure, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) implemented by the Department at present. In this regard, in order to reduce bureaucracy without reducing the
Please be informed that the Department of Environment (DOE) Malaysia is reviewing the EIA Report for the above project. The public is welcome to provide written comments on the EIA Report which can be obtained and consulted at the following places:- Putrajaya Department of Environment Library Pahang State Department of
Updating of Documents Related to CEMS Installation Application and PEMS Development
UPDATING OF DOCUMENTS RELATED TO CEMS INSTALLATION APPLICATION AND PEMS DEVELOPMENT It is informed that the documents related to the CEMS installation application and PEMS development have been updated. Applicants are required to refer and use the latest documents. Thank you.