
  1. Provide advisory services/ supports and department basic facilities such as space rental inclusive state level, capital property matters, government assets, confidential / open files and classified documents, security complaints, cleanliness of office building space, vehicles for enforcement activities and government official affairs, monitoring staff attendance records, acceptance and delivery of letters and express post.
  2. Accepting faxes, phone calls and connecting calls to relevant officers.
  3. Printing and binding of documents.
  4. Coordinating application for staffing of non common-users/ common-users, preparing monthly staffing report to ministry/ relevant appointing authorities, conducting reviews on schemes of services, matters pertaining to placement and exchange/ secondment and temporary exchange.
  5. Handling of departmental human resource matters, covering of duties, LNPT, Property Declaration Report, Human Resource Development Panel Meeting, salary movement, leave, MBJ, allowance amenities, job satisfaction survey, GCR, AKRAB, Mentor Mentee, Options, nomination for Medal and Honors Award (Federal / State), Human Resources Management Meeting Departmental Level and managing Government Service Book as well as disciplinary and work promotion matters.
  6. Planning and managing the implementation of HRMIS projects, monitoring service records and preparing HRMIS implementation reports by modules / submodules. 
  7. Planning, managing and supervising allocations for operation expenditure, development expenditure and trust account, in accordance with current regulations in force. 
  8. Departmental procurement secretariat.


  1. Formulate strategies and directions of enforcement actions for designated premises (PYDT) and non-designated premises (PYBDT).
  2. Set the enforcement KPIs of the Department of Environment and strengthen the State DOE enforcement program as well as the status of compliance targets.
  3. Set targets/compliance reports according to the type of pollution premises and regulations under AKAS 1974.
  4. Issuing a certificate of verification under Section 40 of AKAS 1974 for the verification and ruling of KPAS for court action cases referred by the State DOE.
  5. Regulate the receipt and distribution of environmental pollution complaints for action by the State DOE or relevant agencies.
  6. Operate the Operating Room which functions 24 hours a day as a KASA Hotline channel.
  7. Regulate the investigation of complaints and feedback to complainants.
  8. Manage the database of environmental pollution complaints and periodic reports on the status of complaint resolution to KASA and the Public Complaints Bureau.
  9. Provide feedback or notification notes related to complex complaint cases/public interest to KASA or YBM KASA, explain field investigations for classified or complicated complaint cases as well as annual environmental pollution reports.
  10. Dealing with the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) under the Coordination of the National Security Council (MKN), JPM.
  11. Update and manage inventory database of permanent sources of pollution, enforcement results, notices of instruction, compounds, prohibition orders and court actions.
  12. Submit audit findings and management recommendations to EiMAS in response to the effectiveness of enforcement training.


  1. Formulate and transform the direction for the strengthening of EIA mechanisms and procedures in Malaysia.
  2. Formulate and transform the direction for the strengthening of development Input mechanisms including ZEE inputs and the Continental Shelf Act.
  3. Processing EIA Reports for the Second Schedule and the First Schedule involving more than 1 state.
  4. Regulate the Registration Scheme of eligible persons under Section 33A (Environmental Auditor) and Section 34A (2) (EIA Consultant).
  5. Member of the Technical Committees of other agencies for initial input on the implementation of planned development.
  6. Member of the Technical Committees of other agencies for the formulation of policies, policies and directions for sustainable development and conservation of biodiversity at the national level.
  7. Publish relevant guidelines for the coordination of development guidelines to stakeholders.
  8. Formulate, plan and transform EIA enforcement effectively.
  9. Monitor the implementation of Strait Of Johor (SOJ) EIA projects and projects under the Settlement Of Agreement , 2005.
  10. Manage and update inventory related to development projects (EIA and Input), EIA enforcement in Malaysia.
  11. Set targets/KPIs for the setting of Post EIA in Malaysia.
  12. Provide advisory services and be a reference expert for the implementation of sustainable development integration as a model/benchmark to investors (pre-planning) at the internal and national levels.


  1. Implemented the Basel Convention, the Stockholm Convention and the Rotterdam Convention.
  2. Regulate licensing in managing scheduled waste data (inventory).
  3. Review the license conditions and written permission of scheduled waste.
  4. Manage consignment data information.
  5. Conduct environmental audits on generators and scheduled waste recovery facilities.
  6. Manage clinical waste and EHS chemicals.
  7. Manage e-swis and e-licensing system with BTM.
  8. Provide licensing contractor data in the DOE website.
  9. Establish and manage contaminated soil inventories and conduct contaminated soil surveys and site remediation.
  10. Assist in the prevention and investigation of illegal disposal activities as well as updating SOP investigations.
  11. Prepare and update SOPs for illegal landfill clean-up works.
  12. Form an environmental fund and its management.
  13. Prepare, review and update scheduled waste laws and guidelines.
  14. Review and update scheduled waste categories and criteria.
  15. Evaluate the special management of scheduled waste.
  16. Evaluate recycling/reuse initiatives.


  1. River water monitoring study and new programs, namely regulating programs, performing monitoring, QA/QC, payment process for monitoring station study services and formulating regulations related to rivers, groundwater, marine & environment.
  2. River data management, data validation data analysis, data interpretation, information dissemination (EQR), storage and security.
  3. Inventory of fixed source water pollution and ‘ Non Pointsources , groundwater pollution (PS and NPS), water pollution study and solution measures.
  4. Provides IRBM implementation study, IRWM and river study action plan.
  5. Update data by river basin, manage and supervise the entry of inventory data of permanent sources by the State DOE.
  6. Groundwater well monitoring programs (factories, various users and other agencies).
  7. Formation of new programs (criteria standards and indices), review of monitoring stations.
  8. Program monitoring, marine water QA/QC, equipment, new program and data validation management, information dissemination data analysis (EQR), data storage and security.
  9. Maritime and external relations, identifying inventory of marine pollution sources ( Sea-Based-Land Based ), collecting, updating valuable and pollution-sensitive marine ecosystem location information.
  10. Monitor changes in the marine environment (physical and biological), the impact of infra project development activities, recreation, transportation and disasters on the marine ecosystem as well as aesthetic value.
  11. Coordinate marine pollution management and control programs at the international, regional and national levels to formulate guidelines and policies related to maritime, application of the latest technology and monitor ecosystem pollution.
  12. Coordinator/ secretariat of the National Contingency Plan for Oil Spill Control, Dispersent use and beach cleanup.


  1. To plan, organize and coordinate environmental awareness programs involving the public, government agencies, the private sector, NGOs and industries such as National Environment Day (HASN) Earth Day, Langkawi Awards and others.
  2. Managing Environmental Partner programs and participation involving River Trail, Kudah ( Plogging ), Beach Cleaning, Tree Planting and Strategic Partner Initiatives programs .
  3. Enhancing and strengthening CEPA between DOE and stakeholders through media channels as a new norm approach and also managing social media as one of the delivery mediums. Webinar programs with various topics related to current issues also need to be planned and implemented including the Pocket Talk program and any virtual casual talk.
  4. Form and prepare montages, videos, infographics in conveying information to the public.
  5. To plan, manage, coordinate and implement environmental awareness and education programs in collaboration with KPM, DBP and related agencies such as Sekolah Lestari, Kampus Lestari, Environmental Debate, 3 Minute Environment Thesis and preparation of Environmental Club Module.
  6. To plan and publish and disseminate information related to the environment and manage DOE resource centers. Among the publications that need to be implemented are EQR, Report, Annual, Compendium, Scientific Book, E-Bulletin, Green Tips Promotion Monday is English Speaking Day .
  7. Prepare budgets for international programs as well as coordinate bilateral, regional and international cooperation in consultations on environmental issues. Among the meetings managed were MEXCOE, NEHAP, MSJCE, AWGEE, ASOEN and any required input related to the environment such as APEC and FTAs.


  1. Review, update and draft legislation and emission standards related to air pollution and odors from industry, moving sources, ambient noise and vibration as well as the elimination of ozone depleting substances.
  2. Provide guidelines and regular operating procedures (SOPs) regarding pollution control from motor vehicles, noise measurement, open burning enforcement and monitoring of new air parameters.
  3. Formulation of Policies and Policies, strategies and programs for the elimination of ozone depleting materials (BPO).
  4. Monitor compliance with the Montreal Protocol
  5. Coordinate national ozone removal programs implemented by industry, agencies, government and the private sector.
  6. Collect, update and prepare GHG inventory reports for the Waste Sector.
  7. To be the National GHG inventory data center (GHG Data Clearing House).
  8. Provide technical input on issues related to climate change at the national and international levels.
  9. Implement activities under the ASEAN Cross -Border Haze Agreement.
  10. Implement the National Haze Action Plan.
  11. Implement Fire Prevention and Peatland Management Program.
  12. Validate, analyze and translate air quality monitoring data.
  13. Regulate the implementation of the air surveillance privatization program and review the national air quality surveillance network.
  14. Carry out special studies related to air quality.
  15. Study, identify and implement programs to control smoke and noise emissions from motor vehicles.


  1. To plan, formulate and implement strategies for digitization and use of information technology in efficient environmental management and ensure that public sector information technology policies are implemented in the administration of the Department.
  2. Update policies, rules and guidelines for ICT users and security.
  3. To plan, study, manage, develop and design new application system requirements and upgrade existing application systems to meet the current needs of the Department.
  4. Manage, maintain, monitor and ensure that existing application systems are always operating & well maintained.
  5. Plan, develop and manage GIS infrastructure, GIS database, GIS applications & GIS training requirements, perform GIS analysis and Remote Sensing internal and external to the Department.
  6. Provide ICT and GIS infrastructure as well as network systems, effective ICT communication.
  7. To improve, study and implement the requirements of local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), portal/web, internet access and e-mail system of the Department.
  8. To plan, review, manage, and implement the overall data center or server room requirements of the Department including network hardware, servers, storage capacity, operating systems, support software, ICT infrastructure and audio visual, backup/recovery and multimedia equipment.
  9. Provide training, advisory services, support and technical expertise related to GIS.
  10. Implement a culture of information technology use, plan and provide ICT and GIS training.


  1. Identify training needs in the areas of law, EIA, Environmental Management, erosion and silt control, enforcement, silt, scheduled waste management, handling of air pollution control equipment and operation of industrial effluent treatment systems as well as air pollution emissions, soft skill management and water pollution.
  2. Implement research and development programs for clean production projects and other green industry initiatives.
  3. Organize training courses in the field of law, enforcement and prosecution for DOE staff and DOE clients to evaluate the effectiveness of training.
  4. Implement outreach programs  with agencies, financial institutions and non -governmental organizations (NGOs) related to the green industry.
  5. Implement clean production expertise development programs, green industry initiatives for DOE and industry officials.
  6. Implement net production Audit Assistance and advisory services to the industry to improve compliance with the Environmental Quality Act 1974 and Carbon Footprint reduction .
  7. To formulate regulations and review policies related to the green industry as well as enhance local and international cooperation.
  8. Evaluate the effectiveness of management training of Foreign Cooperation Training programs such as MTCP, MSJCE and JICA
  9. Conduct promotion for the implementation of the latest environmental requirements regarding the environment.
  10. Implement human resources, stores, inventory, financial management, quotations/tenders, results of the Operating Budget, Development and Trust.
  11. Managing website, data management & library.